Major Chinese phone vendor Xiaomi launched a new generation of its mid-end Civi series on Tuesday, targeting young users with a stylish design and dual front cameras. The Xiaomi Civi 2 has a compact design, weighing 171.8 g and measuring 7.23 mm in thickness. It has a 4 nm mid-end processor — the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 1, with RAM volume options up to 12 GB. A highlight of the phone is that it adopts dual front cameras, and both support 32 million pixel resolution. The phone also comes with extra tone-changeable lights for better selfies. Xiaomi also enhanced its beautification tech with new optimization for male users. Built with a 4500 mAh battery, the phone supports a fast-charging speed of 67 W. Priced from RMB 2,399 to RMB 2,799 ($332.17 – $387.55), the phone is available from Tuesday in four colors: pink, blue, black, and a Hello Kitty special version. [ITHome, in Chinese]
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