Chinese short video platform Kuaishou is reportedly considering building its own one-stop supply chain, which it hopes would allow users to purchase goods for cheaper and receive deliveries faster, Chinese media outlet LatePost reported on Wednesday. According to the report, the establishment of a self-run supply chain and delivery network was the primary task set by the company’s CEO Cheng Yixiao, after he took charge of the company’s e-commerce business himself in August. Against this background, the Beijing-based firm has postponed the launch of an online shopping mall channel with a similar look to e-commerce giant Taobao, originally scheduled for the end of this year. E-commerce sales on Kuaishou in the January-September period reached RMB 270 billion ($37.8 billion), the report said, and are expected to reach RMB 410 billion for the whole year, an increase of 26% from 2021. Yet this growth rate is still slower than rival Douyin, which is already two-thirds of the way to its e-commerce GMV target of RMB 1.5 trillion. [LatePost, in Chinese]
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