Alibaba announced on Tuesday that it intends to split its operations into six standalone units, each managed by a different chief executive. CEO Daniel Zhang announced the restructuring in an internal email on Tuesday, stating that each unit needs to prove itself in the market environment and accomplished units can go public and raise funds on their own. Zhang remains the main leader overseeing the strategies of all units. The restructuring of the tech giant will create six business units with six different CEOs. They are: Alibaba Cloud intelligence group, which includes the cloud and DingTalk businesses, headed by Daniel Zhang as CEO; Taobao and Tmall’s business group, Trudy Dai as CEO; local life service group, Yu Yongfu as CEO; Cainiao Network, the logistics and delivery arm, is still under the leadership of Wan Lin as CEO; overseas digital commerce group, which includes cross-border B2C platform AliExpress and other overseas shopping platforms, is led by CEO Jiang Fan; and the entertainment group, which include Alibaba Pictures and video platform Youku, is led by CEO Fan Luyuan. Additionally, Alibaba will establish multiple smaller operative units, covering online healthcare to offline retail. Particularly, Hou Yi remains the CEO of the grocery chain FreshHippo. [Caixin, in Chinese]
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