Huawei has unveiled its new P60 series flagship smartphone range featuring communications technology linked to China’s BeiDou Satellite, meaning users can send and receive messages without a terrestrial signal. The phones, which come with a starting price of RMB 4,488 ($658), were on show at the Huawei 2023 Spring Product Launch event in Shanghai on Thursday afternoon. The Huawei P60 series also features a 40-megapixel ultra-wide angle camera with F1.4-4.0 ten-speed variable aperture, and supports an 88W flash charge with a battery capacity of 5,100mAh, which the Chinese telecoms giant claims can reach 50% charged in just ten minutes. The phones will run on Huawei’s latest HarmonyOS iteration, 3.1. Other products revealed at the biannual event included the Huawei Mate X3 foldable, Huawei FreeBuds 5, Huawei MatePad 11, and the Huawei Watch Ultimate, which also features satellite communications technology. [Huawei Weibo, in Chinese]
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