On Wednesday, Chinese phone maker OnePlus launched its latest flagship Ace 2 Pro, featuring 24GB RAM, 150W fast charging, a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipset, and a large heat dissipation vapor chamber. In the first half of 2023, OnePlus’s sales increased 335% year-on-year, making it the fastest-growing brand in the industry, according to President Li Jie, speaking at the launch event. The new device can have up to 54 apps active in the background, according to the company. The 6.74-inch OLED display supports 1600 nits of peak brightness, 2772 x 1240 pixel screen resolution, 2160Hz high-frequency PWM dimming, and a 120Hz refresh rate. On the reverse side, there are triple cameras, including a 50MP wide-angle camera with OIS (optical image stabilization), an 8MP ultrawide camera, and a 2MP macro camera. The smartphone comes in green and gray, with a starting price of RMB 2,999 ($410). [IThome, in Chinese]
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