On Tuesday, Xiaomi introduced a smaller version of the TV S Pro with 65/75-inch screens, following the launch of the 100-inch version in August. It is priced at RMB 4,299 ($589) and RMB 5,999 ($822), respectively. Both TV models feature a 4K 144Hz Mini LED display with a peak brightness of 2200 nits, supporting 1.07 billion colors and Dolby Vision panoramic sound. The TV S Pro is equipped with a quad-core A73 processor, 4GB + 64GB storage, Wi-Fi 6, dual HDMI 2.1 ports, and an NFC remote control. In September, the report of market intelligence firm Runto Tech revealed that the top seven brands in the Chinese TV market are Xiaomi, Hisense, TCL, Skyworth, Changhong, Konka, and Haier. The total TV shipment of September amounts to approximately 3.3 million units in China, representing an 11.4% year-on-year decrease but a 19.8% month-on-month increase, according to the same report. [IThome, in Chinese]
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