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Air China announces purchase of 100 C919 aircraft for $10.8 billion

Air China announces purchase of 100 C919 aircraft for $10.8 billion

Air China announced on Friday that it has signed an agreement with Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) to purchase 100 C919 aircraft. The 100 aircraft are planned to be delivered in batches from 2024 to 2031. The total price of the 100 C919 aircraft is around $10.8 billion, according to the latest catalog prices provided by COMAC. The actual transaction price of the deal was lower than the catalog prices, as COMAC offered Air China a significant discount after negotiations, local media outlet IThome reported. State-owned Air China will provide funds for the transaction through its own capital, commercial bank loans, and other financing methods, the report added. [IThome, in Chinese]

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