Major Chinese phone vendor Xiaomi launched its Redmi Note 12 series on Thursday in China, with high-end cameras and fast charging speeds among the main selling points. The series has four primary models: the 12, 12 Pro, 12 Pro+, and 12 Discovery Edition, as well as a special edition model in collaboration with famous actor Wang Yibo. Xiaomi offers a 6.67-inch OLED display for all models in the series. For processors, the Redmi Note 12 adopts mid-end processor Snapdragon 4 Gen 1, while the other models in the series come with MediaTek Dimensity 1080. The Redmi Note 12 Pro+ and Discovery models are equipped with a triple-camera system and are the first devices to use Samsung’s new 1/1.4 inch 200 million pixel sensor. The Pro+ model supports a charging speed of 120 W while the Discovery Edition, with a smaller battery than its peers in the series, can reach 210 W when charging. With a price range of RMB 1,199 – RMB 2,599 ($165.86 – $359.53), the Redmi Note 12 series is now available for preorder in mainland China, with the “Yibo Edition” available from Nov. 11. [Xiaomi, press release]
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