Pinduoduo’s cross-border shopping platform Temu reportedly plans to introduce an incentivized referral feature, which will allow users to get a lower price by sharing a product link with their friends via WhatsApp, Messenger, or Facebook, according to Chinese media outlet Cailian Press. Pinduoduo acquired users at a very low cost through a similar function when it first launched in China as it looked to take on e-commerce behemoths Alibaba and JD. That feature was not without controversy, however, even prompting a lawsuit against Pinduoduo over claims that users were never able to share enough times to access the discount with the app persistently asking them to share more. Chinese media outlet LatePost initially reported in September that Temu would not be launching an incentivized referral feature overseas, as the company hoped to attract more shoppers to make transactions on the platform through content advertising. Temu recorded daily gross merchandise value of just over $1.5 million since its launch in September, slightly lower than internal expectations, and has reportedly triggered a rethink. [Cailian Press, in Chinese]
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