Chinese telecom firm ZTE’s phone brand Nubia launched a new gaming phone, the Z50, on Monday. The phone comes with the latest high-end processor Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2, and a competitive price tag starting from RMB 2,999 ($429). Nubia has also introduced enhanced gaming capabilities with the new phone, increasing the frame stability by two times with 15% less power consumption than the last generation. Built with a 6.67-inch display, the Z50 supports a high refresh rate of 144 Hz and 1,000 nits peak brightness. The phone features a large 5,000 mAh battery and 80-wattage charging speed. Available in three colors (cyan, black, and white), the Nubia Z50 offers up to 16 GB RAM and 1 TB storage of LPDDR5X and UFS 4.0 high-speed standards. The phone will be available to order in China on Friday. [ITHome, in Chinese]
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