On Monday, Honor launched the new generation of its flagship phone range Magic, including the Magic5, Magic5 Pro, and Magic5 Premium. In addition to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 processor and separate security memory chip present in all models, the Pro and Premium feature separate display chips and come fitted with Honor’s self-developed radio frequency enhancement chip the C1, a first-of-its-kind chip that the company says intensifies 5G signals. The Pro and Premium models also feature new silicon carbon negative batteries, giving them a capacity of 5,450 milliamperes per hour (mAh), significantly more than the 3,000 to 4,000mAh found in similar flagship models from rival brands. The new range is priced between RMB 3,999 and RMB 6,999 ($578 and $1,010) and is currently only available in China. [ZOL, in Chinese]
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